Bail Applications
When arrested and charged with an offence, an individual will be detained in prison or released on bail. The granting of bail allows the individual to be at liberty amongst the community while their matter progresses in court. Once released on bail, an individual will need to follow certain conditions, such as residing at a […]
Criminal Law Defences
Defences in criminal law can be defined as either complete or partial defences. Complete defences will absolve the accused of all criminal guilt, while partial defences only apply to murder and will downgrade the offence to a manslaughter charge. Complete Defences Partial defences
Commonwealth Offences
Commonwealth offences are policed by the Australian Federal Police and Prosecuted by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions. Commonwealth offences are defined and outlawed by acts passed by the Federal Parliament. Criminal Code Act Offences Offences under the Criminal Code include: Customs Act Offences Common offences under the Customs Act 1901 (Cth) include: Tax Offences […]
Drug Offences
A drug offence is characterised by the involvement of a prohibited drug and can involve serious consequences if you don’t have the right legal team defending you. Types of Drug Offences Drug Possession Drug Possession is an offence which carries heavy penalties. You can avoid a criminal record and a fine if you are able […]
Firearm Offences
Firearm offences refer to situations where an individual has unauthorised possession or engaged in the illegal use of a firearm. Types of Firearm Offences Unauthorised Possession or Use of Firearms The unauthorised possession or use of firearms carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment. To convict an individual of this offence, the prosecution must […]
Terrorism Charges
Terrorism charges may involve committing a terrorist act, planning or preparing a terrorist act, financing terrorism or a terrorist, providing or receiving training connected with terrorism, possessing items connected with terrorism and collecting or making documents likely to facilitate terrorist acts. Types of Terrorism Charges Engaging in a terrorist Act Engaging in a terrorist act […]
Public Order Offences
Public order offences are acts that interfere with the ability of people and societies to function efficiently. Public order offences are characterised by their affront to shared norms and social values. Types of Public Order Offences Affray Affray carries a maximum penalty of 10 years’ imprisonment if the matter is dealt with in the District […]
Murder and Manslaughter
The Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) governs murder and manslaughter cases in New South Wales. Murder is the most severe kind of assault and relates to the intentional killing of another individual. Manslaughter is different in that it generally involves the unexpected or unplanned conduct that results in the death of another person. Being accused of […]
Fraud and White Collar Crime
raud can be defined as an act, or a failure to act, coupled with an intent to obtain an unauthorised benefit by means of deception or other unethical means which are relied upon by others. Types of Fraud Fraud s 192 E Fraud under s 192 E of the Crimes Act carries a maximum penalty […]
Break and Enter, Robbery and Larceny
In New South Wales it is an offence to break into a premises and commit any serious indictable offence. Generally, someone is charged with this offence if they break something like a lock, gate, window or door, enter a house or premises and commit a serious indictable offence such as seriously assaulting someone or stealing. […]